Wall Panels Used As An Alternative To Tiles Above A Bath
As can be seen in the first photo on this page of our tile gallery, this bathroom needed urgent attention to rectify the cluttered and scruffy tiles used around the bath.
The existing bath was of the old misty grey colour which went out of production (and fashion) back in the 1980’s. This room was in definite need of a makeover so decisions had to be made.
Our customer opted for installing panels as an alternative to tiles although they were not used for the whole of the end wall of this refurbishment the resulting work tidied up a cluttered bath end. The bath was moved to meet the wall removing the need for boxing at the end. It is always best to try and avoid horizontal tiles or panelled areas in a shower area as they invariable leak eventually.
The side and end wall were panelled at full height to enable a shower to be used over the bath. We recommend that customers avoid leaving areas like this one above without any panels. The whole point of using panelling is to prevent any maintenance headaches. Painted areas will need re-painting in the future and could develop mould spots.
All of the PVC panels sold by the Bathroom Marquee are suitable for use in showers and cubicles
How Much Of My Bathroom Should I Panel?
In the photo above, the customer has decided to partially panel the wall of the bathroom. The most common reason for this is cost. Constraining their use to one, two or three walls will obviously cost less than doing all four walls.
But you need to factor in redecoration costs as the non-panelled walls will not stay looking pristine for ever and will need to be redecorated.
This might only require a lick of pain so would be relatively cheap. But if more involved work is required then the cost will we a lot higher. We have had hundreds of customers who have initially opted to panel a small area and then changed their minds after starting the work and decided to cover the whole room. And as a consequence they end up paying two lots of carriage.
So it pays to have a clear, long term plan in mind for how much it will cost you now and how much your decisions will cost in the long run.