Contact Us

The Bathroom Marquee website is an information website site only. We do not supply any products directly.

Panels, trims and adhesives are available online from IPSL*  – here are some examples :

This website was previously operated by The Bathroom Marquee Limited. The company has ceased trading due to adverse conditions in the supply chain that severely affected service levels. The website has returned to private ownership and will continue as an information-only site.


The following information applies to products that The Bathroom Marquee Limited previously supplied:

Vicenza Panels – this name is no longer used by the manufacturer Neptune. Search for Neptune panels to locate current suppliers

Decos Panels – these have not been available for several years since the importer ceased bringing them into the UK

Grosfillex Panels – these have not been available for many years since the importer ceased trading. Some of the designs were re-marketed by Marbrex but the range has changed over the years.

Outasight curtains and spares are only available directly from the manufacturer – search for Outasight online.



*We are an affiliate of ISPL and receive a small commission on any qualifying purchases.



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    19 Sundew Close, Cardiff,  CF5 2SE • Email: [email protected]


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