As well as the tray, shower doors and showering system you should also take a minute to think about the walls and the shower cubicle ceiling of your installation.
There are a numerous different option available when it comes to decoration. Ceiling can be plastered or covered with texturing compound. Walls can be tiled. But now PVC panels are making a move to become the most popular choice for both walls and ceilings.
One of the main reasons customers choose our bathroom wall panels for is the fact that it requires no maintenance due to its easy-to-clean, wipe-over surface.
This is good news for those who have a shower cubicle because tiles and grout can prove to be problematic in these situations so this is the ideal modern alternative.
Not Just For Walls – Panels Are Great On Ceilings Too
One area that often gets overlooked when planning a maintenance-free bathroom is the ceiling. Showers produce a great deal of moist warm air which can lead to painted surfaces developing mould spots or damp patches especially above shower cubicles.
The best solution is to fit our panels to the ceiling as well. A very popular ption is to use a white panel on the ceiling and a coloured or marble effect panel on the walls. This is not cast in stone but it is the look that people expect to see. But there alternatives.
The customer’s shower in the photo above decided to stick with the one colour and use it on the ceiling above the shower cubicle as well and the finished result is pretty good!
We hope this has given you some ideas for shower cubicle ceiling and persuaded you to opt for panels.