If you have tried cleaning, scrubbing and re-grouting but you still cannot get rid of the mould in between your tiles then you have grout failure.
It will only get worse so you need to take action.
We have a cheap, clean and permanent solution that will make life easier for you
there are designs to fit every taste and budget – all 100% waterproof and all totally maintenance-free
We have thousands of satisfied customers who love the ease of installation and the beautiful effects you can achieve without any specialist skills:
“We are delighted with the panels and the finished result”
Some examples follow from our range. These are the designs that are most popular with our customers. As you can see they look amazing. And their great advantage is that they will make life easier for you.
IS IT EASY TO FIT? YES, simply fit it straight over your existing tiles – no plastering, no dust, no mess – more info
DOES IT LOOK GOOD? YES, it looks amazing – see some of the work our customers have undertaken in our gallery
IS THIS A NEW PRODUCT? NO, we have been selling it for 20 years – it is tried and tested. It looks good from day 1 and stays that way for years and years with no maintenance.
The easy way to improve the look of problem tiling is to panel straight over the top of it with bathroom wall panels. They are the modern alternative to tiles and it is easy to see why they are growing in popularity.