Ordering online using our shopping cart is very straightforward. You can also order by phone or e-mail and pay by cheque or credit card. Do not send your credit card details via e-mail – we will contact you to obtain the payment details by phone.
To order using the shopping cart system
1. Visit the product page for the item you require
2. Look for the “Order Online” section
3. Enter the number of items you require
4. Click on the “Add To Cart” button to add the item to the shopping cart
5. The delivery charge will be added automatically
On clicking the “Add To Cart” button you will be transferred to the shopping cart system which will display the contents of your shopping cart.
If you wish to add another product to your shopping cart click the “Continue Shopping” button and you will be returned to the product section of the web site.
If you wish to delete an item from the cart click the cross button.
You can amend the quantity required if needed by altering the quantity and clicking the “Recalculate” button.
When you have finished shopping and are ready to pay, click the “Proceed to Payment” button.
On clicking the “Proceed to Payment” button you will enter the invoice and delivery details screen.
If you require delivery to a different address to the invoice address please fill in the relevant section – if not, leave it blank.
Once you confirm these details you will be offered a choice of paying securely online or paying offline.
If you choose to pay online you will be transferred over to the Paypal secure payment section where you will be required to enter your credit card or debit card details. You can also pay with your Paypal account – if you have one.
On completion, your order will be processed and you will be sent an e-mail (from us) confirming your order and an e-mail (from Paypal) confirming your payment- so please ensure that the e-mail address that you give is valid
If you choose to pay offline we will contact you to arrange payment and delivery. You can pay by credit or debit card over the phone (we will process the transaction ourselves) or we can arrange for you to pay by cheque – cheque payments must clear before we dispatch goods.
If you have bought samples from us then you will have the cost of these refunded back to you. At present we cannot do this via the website as there are just too many possibilities (some people buy more than one set of samples, some people but more than one lot of panels) so we will refund it back to you manually. You could also choose the Pay Offline option and we will then deduct the sample amount before taking your payment.