
Firenze Beige Bathroom Cladding

A complete bathroom makeover was undertaken using our Firenze Beige bathroom cladding.

The cladding provides a warm colour to the room – something that can be a little absent when using greys and whites. all of the bathroom walls were covered including the inside of a large quadrant cubicle, as Firenze (along with all of the panels that we sell) are suitable for use inside showers. To maximise the maintenance-free qualities of our panels the customer also used our Labo panels on the ceiling.

There seems to be two schools of thought when it comes to colour in bathrooms.

The first group prefer to keep everything completely neutral with hardly any colour to the major components of the bathroom. So the bathroom suite will be white, the shower cubicle will be frame-less, the cladding will be white or very light grey at most. Colour, for the, should be added on top of this blank canvas using towels, rugs, blinds and other accessories.

The second group dive straight in and incorporate colour from the off. Although coloured bathroom suites are no longer available it is possible to make a definite colour statement via the flooring and walls that are chosen.

Cladding The Whole Bathroom

The customer who’s bathroom is featured in these photos definitely falls into the second camp. The beige coloured cladding chosen means that all of the rest of the accessories in the room will have to tie-in with this colour scheme.

If you are remodelling your bathroom then the decoration that you choose will be have the biggest effect on the overall look of the room. Far more so than the bathroom suite.

We have several options if you are looking for a beige bathroom cladding as this is is popular with customers for its warmth and natural good looks – see the full range here for details